Public transport to Oliemolenstraat

Oliemolenstraat does not have a bus stop.

The nearest stops are:

  • Gauke Boelenstraat (8 min walk, 550m)
  • Omloop (8 min walk, 650m),
  • Noorderbuurt (10 min walk, 700m),
  • Knobelsdorffplein (17 min walk, 4 min bike, 1.2km)
  • Transferium (37 min walk, 10 min bike, 3.1km).

Bus schedules vary, with frequencies ranging from 1 to 8 times per hour depending on the route and time of day. Shared bikes are available at Knobelsdorffplein and Transferium.

At the Knobelsdorffplein stop, there are 10 shared bikes, and at Transferium, there are 4 shared bikes.

The travel times listed do not include walking times and are average times, meaning some trips may be longer or shorter.

Gauke Boelenstraat

  • Groningen Main Station to Gauke Boelenstraat: 1x per hour (55 min)
  • Gauke Boelenstraat to Groningen Main Station: 1x per hour (55 min)
  • Zernike Campus to Gauke Boelenstraat: 1x per hour (1.05 hrs) with transfers at P+R Hoogkerk and Transferium. Take bus 18 from the Nijenborh stop in Groningen to the P+R Hoogkerk stop in Groningen. There, transfer to bus 314. At Transferium, transfer to bus 23.
  • Gauke Boelenstraat to Zernike Campus: 1x per hour (1 hr) with transfers at Transferium and P+R Hoogkerk. Take bus 23 from Gauke Boelenstraat to Transferium. There, transfer to bus 314. At the Verzetsstrijderslaan stop or P+R Hoogkerk Groningen, transfer to bus 15, 18, or 109.


  • Groningen Main Station to Omloop: 1x per hour (52 min) with a transfer at Transferium. Take bus 314 from Hoofdstation Groningen to Transferium. There, transfer to bus 13.
  • Omloop to Groningen Main Station: 1x per hour (55 min) with a transfer at Transferium. Take bus 13 from Omloop to Transferium. There, transfer to bus 304.
  • Zernike Campus to Omloop: 1x per hour (1 hr) with transfers at Verzetsstrijderslaan and Transferium. Take bus 15 from Nijenborh, Groningen to Verzetsstrijderslaan, Groningen. There, transfer to bus 314. At Transferium, transfer to 13. 
  • Omloop to Zernike Campus: 1x per hour (1 hr) with transfers at Transferium and Verzetsstrijderslaan. Take bus 13 from Omloop to Transferium. There, transfer to bus 314, at halte Verzetsstrijderslaan, Groningen transfer to bus 15.


  • Groningen Main Station to Noorderbuurt: 2x per hour (50 min) with a transfer at Transferium. Take bus 314 from Hoofstation Groningen to Transferium. There, transfer bus 14 or 114.
  • Noorderbuurt to Groningen Main Station: 2x per hour (48 min) with transfers at Knobelsdorffplein or Transferium. Take bus 14  from Noorderbuurt to Knobelsdorffplein. There, take bus 314. Or take bus 13 to Transferium. Next, transfer to bus 314.
  • Zernike Campus to Noorderbuurt: 2x per hour (1 hr) with transfers at Verzetsstrijderslaan and Transferium. Take bus 15 from Nijenborh, Groningen to Verzetsstrijderslaan, Groningen. There, transfer to bus 314. Next, transfer at the Transferium to bus 14 or 114.
  • Noorderbuurt to Zernike Campus: 2x per hour (55 min) with transfers at Transferium and Verzetsstrijderslaan. Take bus 13 or 14 from Noorderbuurt to Transferium. There, transfer to bus 314. Next, transfer to bus 15 at Verzetsstrijderslaan, Groningen.


  • Groningen Main Station to Knobelsdorffplein (direct): Frequencies vary from 4x to 8x per hour depending on the time (45-51 min). Take bus 314 or 304 to Kobeldorffplein.
  • Groningen Main Station to Knobelsdorffplein (with transfer): 2x per hour (50 min) with a transfer at Transferium. Take bus 304 to Transferium. There, transfer to bus 320.
  • Knobelsdorffplein to Groningen Main Station (direct): Frequencies vary from 2x to 8x per hour depending on the time (42-48 min)
  • Zernike Campus to Knobelsdorffplein: Frequencies vary from 2x to 8x per hour depending on the time (52-60 min),
  • Knobelsdorffplein to Zernike Campus: Frequencies vary from 2x to 8x per hour depending on the time (50-55 min)