Public transport connection Oliemolenstraat

Oliemolenstraat itself does not have a bus stop.

The nearest bus stops are:

  • Gauke Boelenstraat (walking time 8 min, distance 550m)
  • Course (running time 8 min, distance 650m)
  • Nooderbuurt (walking time 10 min, distance 700m)
  • Knobelsdorffplein (walking time 17 minutes, cycling time 4 minutes, distance 1.2 km)
  • Transferium (walking time 37 minutes, cycling time 10 minutes, distance 3.1 km)

At the Knoelsdorffplein stop there are 10 shared bicycles and at Transferium there are 4 shared bicycles. 

The travel time stated after the frequency does not include the running time. The travel time is also an average travel time, so some journeys take longer and some journeys are shorter. 

Gauke Boelenstraat 

Groningen main station to Gauke Boelenstraat stop

The Frequency for this option is once an hour (travel time 55 minutes)

Gauke Boelenstraat to Groningen main station.

The Frequency for this option is once an hour (travel time 55 minutes)

Zernike Campus to the Gauke Boelenstraat stop

Take bus 18 from the Nijenborh stop, Groningen to the P+R Hoogkerk stop, Groningen, then change to bus 314, change to bus 23 at Transferium. 

The frequency of this option is once an hour (Travel time 1.05 hours) 

Stop Gauke Boelenstraat to Zernike Campus

With bus 23 from Gauke Boelenstraat to Transferium, change to bus 314, at the Verzets Krijgerslaan or P+R Hoogkerk Groningen stop change to bus 15, 18 or 109.

The frequency of this option is once an hour (travel time 1 hour) 


Groningen main station to Omloop stop.

Take bus 314 from Groningen main station to Transferium, then change to bus 13.

The frequency of this option is once an hour (travel time 52 minutes). 

Stop circulation to Groningen main station.

Take bus 13 from the Omloop stop to the transferium, then transfer to bus 304.

The frequency of this option is once an hour (travel time 55 minutes)

Zernike Campus to the Omloop stop

Take bus 15 from the Nijenborh stop, Groningen to the Verzets Krijgerslaan stop, Groningen change to bus 314, change to bus 13 at Transferium. 

The frequency of this option is once an hour (travel time 1 hour)

Stop Omloop to Zernike Campus

With bus 13 from Omloop to Transferium, change to bus 314, at the Verzets Krijgerslaan stop, Groningen change to bus 15.

The frequency of this option is once an hour (travel time 1 hour)


Groningen main station to Noorderbuurt stop.

Take bus 314 from Groningen Main Station to Transferium, then change to bus 14 or 114.

The frequency of this option is twice an hour (travel time 50 minutes) 

Stop Noorderbuurt to Groningen main station 

Take bus 14 from the Noorderbuurt stop to Knobelsdorffplein, then change to bus 314. Or take bus 13 to Transferium, then change to bus 314.

The frequency of this option is twice an hour (travel time 48 minutes) 

Zernike Campus to Noorderbuurt stop

Take bus 15 from the Nijenborh stop, Groningen to the Verzetsrijderslaan stop, Groningen, change to bus 314, and at Transferium change to bus 14 or 114.

The frequency of this option is twice an hour (travel time 1.00 hours) 

Stop Nooderbuurt to Zernike Campus

Take bus 13 or 14 from Noorderbuurt to Transferium, change to bus 314, at the Verzets Krijgerslaan stop, Groningen change to bus 15.

The frequency of this option is twice an hour (travel time 55 minutes) 


Groningen main station to Knobelsdorffplein direct connection.

Take bus 314 or 304 to Knobelsdorffplein.

6 to 8 hours the frequency is 8x (travel time 48 minutes) 

9 to 10 hours the frequency is 6x (travel time 45 minutes)

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the frequency is 4x (travel time 48 minutes)

From 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM the frequency is 5x (travel time 51 minutes) 

From 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM the frequency is 6x (travel time 51 minutes) 

From 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM the frequency is 7x (travel time 51 minutes)

From 5:00 PM the frequency is 4x or less (travel time 47 minutes)

Groningen main station to Knobelsdorffplein with transfer.

Take bus 304 to Transferium and transfer to bus 320.

 1:26 PM to 4:53 PM the frequency is twice an hour (travel time 50 minutes) 

Knobelsdoffplein to Groningen main station direct connection. 

7 to 9 hours the frequency is 8x (travel time 48 minutes)

9 to 10 hours the frequency is 6x (travel time 44 minutes)  

From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. the frequency is 4x (travel time 44 minutes)

From 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM the frequency is 5x (travel time 46 minutes)

From 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM the frequency is 6x (travel time 46 minutes)  

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM the frequency is 5x (42 min)

From 8:00 PM the frequency is 2x (42 min)

Zernike Campus to Knobelsdorffplein

Multiple options possible

7 to 8 the frequency is 3x (travel time 1 hour)

8 to 9 the frequency is 5x (travel time 52 min) 

9 to 10 the frequency is 3x (travel time 52 min)

10 to 13 the frequency is 4x (travel time 53 min)

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM the frequency is 6x (travel time 58 minutes)

2:00 PM to 3:00 PM the frequency is 7x (travel time 58 minutes) 

3:00 PM to 5:00 PM the frequency is 8x (travel time 59 minutes)  

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM the frequency is 4x (travel time 55 minutes) 

From 7:00 PM the frequency is 2x or less (travel time 1 hour)  

Knobelsdoffplein to Zernike Campus

Multiple options possible

7 to 8 hours the frequency is 7x (travel time 53 minutes)

8 to 9 hours the frequency is 8x (travel time 53 minutes)

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. the frequency is 4x (travel time 50 minutes)

3:00 PM to 4:00 PM the frequency is 5x (travel time 52 minutes)

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM the frequency is 6x (travel time 52 minutes)

5:00 PM to 7:00 PM the frequency is 4x (travel time 52 minutes)

From 7:00 PM the frequency is 2x (travel time 55 minutes)