Master classes on robotics
News | November 22, 2022
On 18 November, the Innovation Cluster Drachten together with HanzeHogeschool and NHL Stenden Hogeschool organised master classes on behalf of the Smart Industry Hub Noord for 18 participants from 14 companies in the region who want to get started with robotics. A visit to Philips' factory (Oneblade production lines) was therefore a nice theoretical basis for using UR robots in practice.
Following an introduction by Joost Krebbekx, Programme Manager at ICD and an explanation of the learning objectives, the basics of robots and cobots were discussed. Next, Eric Sloot, Senior Production System Architect at Philips, lectured on robotic arm grippers and feeding systems.
Johannes Bruinsma, Senior Lecturer & Researcher at NHL Hogeschool, explained the AD course and discussed IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things).
After the break, the basics of vision were explained and Felipe Martins, Senior Lecturer of Robotics and Electronics at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, explained working with the UR robot. Then the trainees had the opportunity to try out four UR5s in the lab. Finally, there was a short evaluation using a Mentimeter, a tool for interaction with the audience, which resulted in a neat score of 4.1 stars on a scale of 5.