Innovations cluster Drachten und Hochschule Emden Leer bündeln ihre Kräfte

Logo Overview

An Interreg project to develop the long-term relationship between Innovation Cluster Drachten companies and Hochschule Emden Leer, assisted by the International Welcome Center North, to allow international students to do their graduation/internship at the ICD companies.

Fresh. August 2023interreg Poster Version English 2.1

Connected internationally

Ein Interreg-Projekt zur Entwicklung einer langfristigen Beziehung zwischen Unternehmen des Innovation Clusters Drachten und der Hochschule Emden Leer, unterstützt durch das International Welcome Center North, welches Studierenden aus Nicht-EU Staaten hilft, Praktika in ICD-Unternehmen zu abssolvieren.

Fresh. August 2023interreg Poster Version German1

International connected

An Interreg project to develop the long term relationship between Innovation Cluster Drachten companies and Hochschule Emden Leer, assisted by the International Welcome Center North, by helping international students to do their internships at ICD companies.

Fresh. August 2023interreg Poster Version English 2.2