On High Tech Safari with Isaac Newton
News | 18 January 2022
On 18 January, a digital High Tech Safari took place for Isaac Newton. 15 students from this study association for Mechanical Engineering at TU Twente participated. The Safari was all about modern technologies in the field of robotics, 3D printing, renewable energy and big data.
The programme consisted of a short introduction about Innovatiecluster Drachten with 23 affiliated companies and a number of presentations by ICD companies. Cooperation between the high-tech companies and institutions in the Northern Netherlands makes innovation possible. To do so, the companies use the joint Shared Facility Center in Drachten. Thom Pijper of Philips gave a presentation on robotics and 3D metal printing and where these subjects converge. The use of robots makes it possible to perform regular tasks, which enables people to work more efficiently. The advantages of 3D metal printing compared to conventional production techniques were explained with specific examples from the industry. The companies within ICD use 3D printing techniques such as selective laser melting, which can be used to print metals, and multi jet fusion to print plastics. He also gave two examples of the application for these techniques: the manufacture of complex moulds for injection moulding and end-of-arm tools for robots.
To make the presentations more interactive, the students were invited to answer questions via chat.
Jendrik van Dijk from Resato gave a presentation on hydrogen and renewable energy. Resato has two hydrogen filling stations in the Netherlands. He explained that there are no dangers in using hydrogen to fuel cars. He also asked the students questions about what happens when you fill up a car with hydrogen. When you fill up, the heat rises and you have to cool the installation down to -40 degrees Celsius. That is crucial to balance the process.
Paula Fusiara of Astron concluded the series of presentations with a lecture on 3D printing and big data. The safari ended with a High Tech pub quiz, in which the students competed with each other to win. The winner receives a nice prize!
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